Zanzibar Set for International Tourism Exhibition

The Indian Ocean’s tourist island of Zanzibar is set to host an international tourism and travel exhibition next month, targeting the growing number of tourists visiting Africa and tourism investments mostly from the Middle East, Europe, the United States and Asia.

Organized jointly by Zanzibar Commission for Tourism (ZCT), Zanzibar Investment Promotion Authority (ZIPA) and the Island’s Ministry of Tourism and Heritage, the exhibition will be staged from February 17 to 20, with expectations to attract participants from East Africa and rest of the world.

Reports from ZCT said the forthcoming Zanzibar Tourism Investment and Travel Exhibition (ZTITE) will bring together tourism professionals, travel trade investors, conservationists and tourism policy makers from both public and private sectors.

The event is expected to attract leading professionals in tourism from Africa and the rest of the world to discuss sustainable tourism practices then share knowledge on current positions in global tourism.

ZCT executive director, Ms. Hafsa Mbamba said the ZTITE-2024 will serve as a platform to showcase sustainable tourism vision of the Zanzibar tourism sector and investment climate along with business networking opportunities and solutions to existing challenges in the tourism ecosystem

ZTITE participants are expected to bring “Zanzibar’s tourism sector and investment slots along with business networking opportunities and solutions to existing challenges in the tourism ecosystem,  Ms. Hafsa said.

Zanzibar is currently setting steps towards achieving and implementing the vision 2050 that would create sustainable and environmentally protected tourism.

Participants at the forthcoming exhibition are expected to discuss key topics in the tourism sector including sustainable food and waste management in the tourism sector, biodiversity and environment protection, cultural protection and promotion and reduction of the use of fossil fuels in tourism.

The ZTITE summit also aims to promote investment in sustainable tourism projects in Zanzibar and comply with the global sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which emphasize the protection and sustainable management of 30 per cent of the land and sea in the world by 2030.

Participants will also discuss topics on Climate Action in Tourism, which aligns with the “Zanzibar Declaration on Sustainable Tourism,” an informal statement of intent that directs Zanzibar tourism industry to take real strides towards sustainability for the people, planet and prosperity.

The Zanzibar Declaration recognizes and contributes to global sustainable tourism actions adopted by international institutions and world leaders that includes the “One Planet Network Glasgow Declaration”.

Tourism is the leading economic sector for Zanzibar, generating 30 percent (30%) of the Island’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) with more than 35,000 direct employees in tourism.

Zanzibar’s strategic position on the East Coast of Africa, its rich cultures and historical heritage, warm beaches of the Indian Ocean and temperate climate have all attracted tourists across the world to visit the island.



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