The Bahamas is promoted by the hospitality secretary for meetings and conferences.

The Bahamas is promoted by the hospitality secretary for meetings and conferences.

At the Florida Historic Capitol Museum, the occasion was held on January 25. The Bahamas Islands will be promoted by DPM Cooper as a great location for the school’s meetings and conferences in an effort to raise the sector of the economy.
I seized the chance to address a group that included members from all Florida sections of Alpha Phi Alpha, according to DPM Cooper. Clubs like Alpha Phi Alpha are choosing The Bahamas as the place for their meetings as a result of our sales team in the United States ‘ serious engagement with social groups. The Bahamas are only 30 minutes ‘ drive away from Alphas in Florida.
The difference of being the first professional Greek-letter brotherhood founded for African American people belongs to Alpha Phi Alpha. It was established in 1906 by seven university men at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. There are currently 290,000 members of the Alpha Phi Alpha brotherhood globe.
” We received an extraordinary 8 million or more visitor arrivals in 2023, making it a banner year for tourism.”
Meetings, Incentive, Conferences &amp, Exhibitions—what we refer to as the MICE industry —represent 40 % of the Bahamas ‘ tourism industry, according to DPM Cooper. An important segment of the entire MICE market is the fraternities industry. MICE is a business with rapid growth that receives lots, sometimes thousands, of guests per function. This is a field that we are actively pursuing with the aim of boosting our stop-over user statistics.
The Bahamas ‘ Cats business increased by 25 % over pre-pandemic levels in 2023. The Incentive Research Foundation predicts that businesses in the US will increase their budget allocations for incentive programs by 37 % in 2024. The Bahamas, which has established itself as a leading place for the MICE business in the Caribbean, will benefit from this growth.
The Florida Federation of Alpha Chapters ‘ Alpha Day on the Hill Function is a yearly celebration held in Florida’s Capitol, Tallahassee, at the beginning of the state government program. The event’s objective is to advocate for issues and concerns affecting the African American community while listening to senators on a variety of costs and pieces of legislation.
Dr. Larry Robinson, president of Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University ( FAMU), and Bahamian students enrolled there were the recipients of DPM Cooper’s cordial visit to Tallahassee.
Over 700 islands and coast, as well as 16 distinct area locations, can be found in the Bahamas. It provides a quick and simple way for travelers to avoid their daily responsibilities and is only 50 miles off the coast of Florida. World-class fishing, swimming, fishing, and thousands of miles of some of the most breathtaking beaches on earth are all attractions on the island nation. Visit www to learn why It’s Much in the Bahamas., Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram are other options.
Tourism Minister Promotes The Bahamas for Meetings &amp, Conferences BY: eTurboNews |ETN 



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