Strong Youth Earth Summit ( SEYS) is scheduled for the fourth annual meeting.

Strong Youth Earth Summit ( SEYS) is scheduled for the fourth annual meeting.

Maurice Strong, a climate activist for more than 50 years and Secretary General of the first” Earth Summit” in 1972 and the second Earth Summit in 1992, is honored annually with the Strong Earth Youth Summit ( SEYS).
Every year on Strong’s birthday, the SUNx Malta ( Strong Universal Network ) event emphasizes the need for a future of tourism that is both sustainable and environmentally friendly, in keeping with Maurice, Paris 1.5, SDG-linked, and Nature Positive.
The 4th Monthly Powerful Earth Youth Summit SEYS will take place in Malta from 1400 to 1530 on April 29, 2024. The international Conference on Environmental Science and Technology ( CEST ) and this event are collaborating.
Theme for SEYS 2024
” Supporting Climate-Friendly Go for Little Islands”
Goals for SEYS 2024
• To bolster Maurice Strong’s” Fresh &amp, Green” spirit, which he exhibited when launching the UN Climate andamp Sustainability Framework fifty years ago.
To emphasize young leaders ‘ contributions to the creation of a global climate-friendly travel ( CFT ) system.
• To reiterate our commitment to aid the world’s poorest nations and small islands in reducing pollution and ensuring weather endurance.
Agenda for SEYS 2024
Leslie Vella will discuss Malta, SUNX, and CFT and establishSEYS.
SUNx System movie
Geoffrey Lipman will serve as a average.
Lectures on the” Issues of bringing Climate Friendly Travel to their Home Countries” by five individuals. Tiny islands in the Asia Pacific and the Caribbean may be selected as the kids.
CFT Panel, e.g.
He Wheatcroft, Paris 1.5
Felix Dodds- Targets
Hans Friederich,” Nature Optimistic”
Club CFT- Ged Brown
Q&amp, A.
• Geoffrey Lipman and Jocelin Favre Bulle announced the winners of the Sturdy Earth Awards, which will take place at the Shiftin event in Les Roches.
Solid Youth Earth Summit ( SEYS) is scheduled for the fourth annual meeting, according to SOURCE: www.eTurboNews |eTN 



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