Pamala Taylor is native Hawaiian. She loves visitors, and she loves her job at family owned SunIsland Hawaii,
The Aloha State as of yesterday is welcoming visitors back to its beaches, resorts and attractions – and in record numbers.
Pamala and so many of her colleagues are worried about their jobs. After 7 months of idle tourism and mandatory quarantine, the State of Hawaii has been running its economy against a brick wall. Pamala told eTurboNews, she applauds Mayor Caldwell’s leadership in keeping the people of Hawaii safe.
Now after 7 months and as of yesterday, the only requirement for visitors to avoid quarantine when arriving in paradise is a negative pre-arrival COVID test from a State recognized testing station on the US mainland or an airport.
Today the arrival of 8,219 passengers at Hawaii airports is a record ever since Coronavirus crippled aviation. This number includes an unexpecred 3,189 visitors with hotel bookings. Prior to Coronavirus arrivals to Hawaii’s airports averaged 30,000+ per day, but to get 10% on this number up from 0.5% the days before is encouraging by any standard. Everyone eTurboNews talked to agreed and is excited.
This is good news for the Hawaii’s Visitors industry, and Pamala shares her excitement with eTurboNews and discusses her views us.
Hawaii won’t know for another two weeks if visitors’ arrival will go alongside a spike in COVID-19 infections. Wearing a mask when inside and outside is mandatory. Violators face a $5000.00 fine and up to 1 year in jail. According to a count by eTurboNews this afternoon and counted for one hour on Lewers and Kalakaua Avenue in the heart of Waikiki only 84% of those walking by were seen with a mask.
Listen to Pamala Taylor and her take on tourism coming back to Hawaii: