One Guam Roadshow in Japan in 2024

One Guam Roadshow in Japan in 2024

The Guam Visitors Bureau ( GVB ) and eighteen ( 18 ) of its members traveled to Japan to showcase Guam’s current offerings and build awareness of the GoGo Guam! Hafa Adai Campaign to over 150 go companies at the One Guam Roadshow. The four- evening event took place from January 23- 26, 2024, in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka.
The Guam group of 24 was led by GVB President &amp, CEO Carl T. C. Gutierrez and consisted of GVB Director of Global Marketing Nadine Leon Guerrero, GVB Senior Marketing Manager Japan Regina Nedlic, GVB Marketing Manager Japan Mai Perez, GVB Senior Marketing Manager Taiwan Gabryel Franquez, GVB Public Information Officer Lisa Bordallo, and 18 staff from its business associates including United Airlines, Japan Airlines, Alupang Beach Club, Baldyga Group, Crowne Plaza Resort Guam, Dusit Thani Guam Resort, Dusit Beach Resort Guam, Fish Eye Marine Park, Hilton Guam Resort &amp, Spa, Hoshino Resorts, Hotel Nikko Guam, Hyatt Regency Guam, Leo Palace Resort Guam, Lotte Hotel Guam, Pacific Island Holidays, Pacific Islands Club Guam, Royal Orchid Guam Hotel, The Tsubaki Tower, and Sky Dive Guam.
GVB President &amp, CEO Carl Gutierrez and HIS Assistant Group Manager Koshiro Tanabe, Kansai Regional Dept. Tour Planning Group at the Osaka Seminar on January 25.
The One Guam Roadshow is one of two fair events that takes place every in Japan. It serves to have new commercial applications as well as accommodations, trips, and other activities for Chinese visitors in the coming year. This time, GVB presented the Hafa Adai Campaign and brought” Guam” to the local places to attract agencies to develop vacation plans.
Meeting with Hoshino Resorts CEO Yoshiharu Hoshino and the GVB Japan Roadshow committee on January 22.
The GVB people made personal presentations to visitors and expressed their gratitude of joining the Guam Visitors Bureau to help strengthen the communication that Guam is ready to welcome more guests from Japan. It was obvious that the Japan sector is ready also, as the number of travel agents attending nearly doubled from last year. In Tokyo only, over 70 companies attended than 40 agencies next year. For the first time, Japan Airlines joined the show and gave a lecture in Tokyo. GVB also welcomed Asiana Airlines and HIS, who plan to begin scheduled contract flights from Osaka to Guam between March 7 – 25 this time.
Meeting with the U. S Embassy in Tokyo ( sitting L- R) Minister- Couselor for Commercial Affairs – Japan Honorable Alan Turley, GVB President &amp, CEO Gov. Carl TC Gutierrez, ( center column L- R)U. S Embassy in Tokyo Senior Commercial Specialist, Tamami Honda, GVB Senior Marketing Manager- Japan, Regina Nedlic, GVB Director of Global Marketing Nadine Leon Guerrero, GVB Senior Marketing Manager- Taiwan Gabryel Franquez, Marketing Manager- Japan Mai Perez, GVB Japan Marketing Team ( Shintsu SP) Account Director Nobuyoshi Shoji, ( Back Row L- R) GVB Japan Marketing Team ( Shintsu SP) Sales and Trade Director Masato Wakasugi, GVB Public Information Officer Lisa Bordallo, and GVB Japan Marketing Team ( Shintsu SP) Yusuke Akiba.
On January 23 in Tokyo, the 2024 New Season Business Mixer was held after the Lecture at the Bayside Hotel Azur Takeshiba. The mixer’s goal was to bless and develop connections with associates in the travel industry and inspire them to promote Guam as a top-priority location. Nearly 150 people attended the blender, including Guests from the U.S. Embassy Department of Commercial Affairs who have promoted lady city ties between American cities and counties in Japan.
Along with our colleagues in Japan, we are accomplishing great things.
” We’ve spoken with airlines, travel agencies, universities, and even the US Embassy Commercial Affairs department, who will assist us in making travel for customers from Japan and Asia easier.” We want to do everything we can to improve and enhance go to Guam because Japan is a significant cause industry for us, according to President & CEO Carl T. C. Gutierrez.
This summer, Guam is scheduled to host their second show of the year.
GVB and participants at the Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka 2024 Roadshow. SOURCE: eTurboNews | tTN: Guam Conducts One Guami Roadshow 2024 in Japan. 



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