Convention Bureau Roma e Lazio takes part in IBTM World 2018

Convention Bureau Roma e Lazio takes part in IBTM World 2018

Returning from an important mission in China, which saw CBReL as the main actor of several events, including the one hosted by CITM – China International Travel Mart together with Enit, and ICE – Italian Trade & Investment Agency, with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development, Convention Bureau Roma e Lazio now invests in the European market by attending, for the second time, IBTM.

The annual Barcelona event has reached its 31st edition and will host 15,000 professionals representing 141 countries in the world.

Compared to the 2017 participation, the year in which the consortium company was founded, Convention Bureau of Rome and Lazio saw its group grow considerably, counting 125 members and partners, also thanks to the participation in important roadshows and international meetings, through the organization educational with media and business representatives and the conquest of international congresses of great standing organized in the Rome and Lazio offices.

On the other hand the main focus for the near future is about creating a web portal with the dual function of promotion and marketing, through a dynamic, innovative and responsive platform. The proposed contents will be images and videos of Rome and Lazio, but also a broad showcase on congress and hospitality facilities, as well as useful information on professional services companies. An area of the portal will also show a calendar with the dates of the events and conferences that will be hosted by the destination in order to create a direct line with the market through the use of the most interactive social platforms and creating an effective link guaranteed by the portfolio itself.

The presence at IBTM this year fits, then, in a precise program to support the policies of attraction of the congress market consisting of a busy schedule of events to support the promotion and marketing of the destination.

“IBTM is an important showcase for us – says President Onorio Rebecchini – where we can present the immense heritage of Rome and Lazio, its nature and its history, and today, on top of all this, an unprecedented infrastructure offer. We will present Rome Convention Center La Nuvola, Fiera di Roma, Auditorium and the endless variety of possible events, from cooking class to team building surrounded by the works of Raphael, Caravaggio and Michelangelo, to the discovery of the most modern architectures, elements of international design and unique contexts for fashion”.

“The CBReL offer represents, today, an important opportunity for the destination – continues the President – finally set up in a dynamic, digitized and fully developed network, where to find all the actors in the hospitality and MICE services, in just one point of reference”.

Convention Bureau Roma e Lazio has already defined several appointments with buyers. On November 27th, at 5.00 pm, the Buyer Lounge A70 will host the special event “The gateway to your business: why choose CBReL”, dedicated to international promotion. After a greeting from the President of CBReL Onorio Rebecchini, there will be a brief illustration of the offer and the new reception possibilities in Rome and in Lazio, where the tangible and intangible infrastructures of the destination will be showcased.

On November 28th, in addition to the usual appointments with buyers, at 12.00 am it is going to take place the “The CBReL highlights” in the Piazza Italia created by Enit. After the welcome of the president CBReL Rebecchini, Claudio Pasqualucci, foreign investors support of ITA – Italian Trade Agency, will explain the role of the agency in support of the Convention Bureau promotion activity, and Monica Conti, CBReL operations manager, will have a brief presentation of the offer.

One year after its debut at IBTM, the Rome and Lazio Convention Bureau presents itself with a structured planning that will, even in the future, be the main actor of the positive trend recently revealed by the Enit study office on Wttc data – World Travel & Tourism Council , Bank of Italy, Federcongressi and Icca – International Congress and Convention Association. Rome is the first Italian city for international meetings. The capital is instead positioned at the 20th place in the world, with 96 meetings. This is why the greatest push is currently focused, also from the technological point of view, towards internationalization.