This month is the launch of the World Tourism Network (WTN)
Born from the popular discussion World Tourism Network is the long-overdue voice of small and medium-size travel and tourism businesses around the world.
By uniting efforts, WTN brings to the forefront the needs and aspirations of small and medium-sized businesses and their Stakeholders.
The launch events are nothing but amazing and include tourism players from 123 countries.
On Thursday, Her Excellency Sheikha Mai Bint Mohammed Al Khalifa, President of the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities will lead a high-level panel of tourism leaders, ministers, formerUNWTO Secretary-General candidates including Dr. Taleb Rifai, former UNWTO Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization. She is the first woman nominated for the UNWTO Secretary-General post and is known for her achievements in supporting cultural conservation and sustainable tourism.
On Wednesday the official opening event will introduce local chapters starting in various parts of the world. “We are an organization that will be built from the bottom up.” Chapters and our various interest groups drive our organization,” said founding member Juergen Steinmetz, who is also the publisher of eTurboNews.
The growing list of interest groups include discussions on aviation, investments, training, climate, small cultural cities, and of course COVID-19
One of the highlights will be the celebration of Commemorating 35 Years of Peace through Tourism. The founder of the International Institute for Peace Through Tourism (IIPT) is bringing in an international panel.
Professor Geoffrey Lipman is presenting a panel on climate friendly travel, Vijay Poonoosamy’s panel will analyze Aviation Challenges
Dozens of events and panels from WTN members will be presented in December. All presentations will broadcast also live on eTurboNews and 16 other news platforms,, social media, Spotify, Apple. Presentations will be repeated in rotation throughout the next two months. It’s free to attend and to ask questions. Register at
WTN established its own global exhibition and called it World ExpoTravel. It collects all presentations on one VIMEO platform on
WTN wants everyone in the travel industry and friends of the travel industry to join the party on

Dr. Taleb Rifai and HE Sheikha Mai Bint Mohammed Al Khalifa, Bahrain -
Dr. Peter Tarlow -
African Tourism Board Chairman Cuthbert Ncube -
VJ -
etoatomjenkins -
International Tourism Hero Award recipient Alain St.Ange -
Taleb Rifai Louis D’Amopre -
Jamaica’s Tourism Minister Hon. Edmund Bartlett -
Kenyan minister for Tourism and Wildlife Mr. Najib Balala -
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