
Thailand First Needs to Build Its Gateway in Order to Become a Multi-Sectoral Hub.

Written by meetingstravel

In his keynote address, Prof. Dr. Kanok Wongtrangan, a former member of parliament and Vice Chairman of the Minister of Social Development and Human Security’s expert table, stated that harmony, order, and stability are necessary for quiet cooperation in our society. All faiths preach these three ideas, but we hardly ever put them into practice.
The conference looked at whether religions and faiths can contribute to the solution in a world rife with political, economic, social, ethnic, and environmental conflict. Prof. Kanok added,” Differences between faiths lead to trust, misunderstanding, conflict, and violence,” in a clear reminder about the issue. We can see this phenomenon in modern-day world settings, like Thailand. In our global and local communities, economic inequality and social gap breed fear, anger, political turmoil, and fight. Disinformation, false information, and personal biases, especially in our social media environment regarding politics and religion, as well as the manipulation and politicization of religious beliefs, have caused us to take unfavorable actions and have negative effects, most notably violence and destruction.
Prof. Kanok stated that in order to contribute to the solution,” we must work together to look for the means and mindsets to solve these issues and restore peaceful coexistence as well as pleasant, successful cooperation and collaboration in our community.”
The Samakee Institute, which means unification in Thai, organized the event with a focus on how religious leaders contribute to unity, purchase, and balance. Ven was one of the listeners in addition to Prof. Dr. Kanok. Napan Thawornbanjob, Chair of the IBHAP Foundation’s Institute of Buddhist Management for Happiness and Peace, Rev. Imam Thanarat Wacharapisut, the spiritual head of the well-known Haroon mosque in Bangkok, and Thomas Michel, an British Jesuit Catholic professor who teaches at the Xavier Learning Community in Chiang Rai and specializes in Islamist reports. Dr. Srawut Aree, Director of the Muslim Studies Centre at Chulalongkorn University’s Institute of Asian Studies, and Prof. Jaran Maluleem, Dean at the International Islamic College in Bangkok, made the opening notes.
A Fight of Civilisations, a serious political threat to Thai tourism, was discussed at the conference. Sri Lanka and Myamar, two other Buddhist-majority nations with extremely rich cultures and healthy and tourist attractions, have been affected by cultural, social, and cultural conflict. Thailand has so far maintained a distinct course. Thailand needs to improve its Burner position and prioritize problems reduction over turmoil management because travel andamp, tourism is now a crucial contributor to national security, financial stability, and socio-cultural peace.
Inter-religious dialogue is no longer a luxury in today’s world, according to Mr. Pisut Namcharoenchai, president of the Samakee Institute ( pictured below ). As the planet develops into a global community, the pluralities of the modern world may continue to exist and provide an increasing challenge. In this village, various beliefs, races, traditions, and traditions may still exist. The peace of this ( global ) village is found in respecting these differences, believing that they are a part of who we are, and making sure that people are aware of them.
Dr. Srawut Aree continued,” This interfaith dialogue event, a system where various accents meet to explore the common threads that stitch through the beliefs of our ideas.” Now, in a world where there are many variations, we come together to celebrate the universal values that bind us. Let this meeting serve as a HUB for establishing relationships, fostering connections, and removing obstacles in the nature of openness.
That is precisely what happened. Here is a list of suggested answers that those who think there are ways to do anything can adapt and put into practice:
Ven.Keypoints Thawornbanjob, Napan
( + ) He said the first thing that can be done is to support more women in the decision-making process, pointing to the panel’s all-male lineup.
( + ) Concentrate on universal issues like hunger and poverty, which are among the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and can serve as a foundation for global action.
( + ) A sixth P for Phra ( monk ) can be added to the five Ps of the SDGs. ” There are 300,000 Buddhist monks in Thailand. I want to see them all advancing religious relationships.
( + ) Even in the midst of disagreements, fraternal relationships can exist. Fraternity is all about promoting peace and minimizing damage in Buddhism.
Messages from Islamic researchers
Keep your distance from spiritual relativism, advises Prof. Jaran Maluleem. Extremists in their own faiths ‘ justice are unable to successfully participate in productive interfaith dialogue.
Imam Thanarat: Swap greed for generosity, and appear within for direction. He told some tales about how Islamic principles include fostering understanding and avoiding violence.
Messages from Rev. John Michel
Walk away from a clanish definition of brotherhood, please. Groups can result in anguish and injustice. However, we must recognize that some of our personal fans are a part of the issue. We must acknowledge that we frequently disobey our personal rules.
( + ) Take inspiration from the biblical stories. He described how a traveler was attacked by bandits and had his possessions taken. No one came to offer assistance, not yet adherents of his own beliefs. In the end, a man of another belief was the one who assisted. Who was the injured person on the road’s correct brother?
( + ) While lecturing at a university in Turkiye ( previously Turkey ) in 1986, he expanded on the definition of universal fraternity by sharing his own personal experience. He was given gratis care at the school hospital after being diagnosed with skin cancer. He said,” I was on the verge of tears.” We can simply truly understand brotherhood when we have experienced it.
Support the terrible, regardless of class or religion, such as refugees and migrants. What can we do to help the less fortunate by sharing our products, pleasures, period, and strength with them? No topic who they are, people have a duty to lessen the anguish of all people. Helping others is not only a responsibility, but also an duties.
Key ideas from Prof. Dr. Kanok’s keynote ( pictured below )
( + ) genuinely embrace diversity and unity. Diversity’s global landscape is diverse, complex, ambiguous, dangerous, and personal. Thanks to financial, social, cultural, customs, languages, systems, as well as political interests and ideas, it is also frequently changing. We must look beyond our perceptions and thoughts in order to embrace diversity and join those realities into a cohesive framework by looking for principles, values, concepts, and norms.
( + ) Look for beauty in diversity if you want to find unity in it. Concentrate on things like peace, love, compassion, generosity, compassion, compassion, and the afterlife. We can better understand how those differences complement and supplement one another by looking at” shared connections and shared reasons.”
Increased involvement with our communities and people in order to foster coexistence by fostering knowledge, respect, compassion, and shared goals of our various faiths. Schools and universities are good places to start a conversation, starting with straightforward subjects and moving on to more sophisticated subjects.
( + ) Keep in mind that people are capable of facing any challenge and resolving any issue. These skills wo n’t come into play until we overcome our own biases, egotism, and self-interests. In order to improve society as a whole, we had transcend our tribes, languages, traditions, cultures, and religions.
( + ) Be open to learning new concepts, particularly novel ones. Build mutual respect and understanding between people of different faiths and beliefs, bridge gaps, and promote peaceful coexistence by using interfaith dialogue as an open platform for learning from one another.
( + ) Look for chances to make conversation into action. We can understand from Thailand’s numerous positive instances of interracial cooperation and pass them on to future generations.
In order to ensure the significance of these values as anchors of redemption for all and to market them anywhere, Dr. Kanok concluded by making the following appeals and prayers:” We call upon intellectuals, philosophers; spiritual figures; artists; media professionals; men and women of tradition in every part of the world to recapture the values of peace, justice, goodness, beauty, people fraternity, and coexistence.” Pray and Ameen, Sathu.
The Q&amp, A session’s one problem was a blatant sign of the brewing challenges. A respondent who did not identify himself directed it at the Ven Napan Thawornbanjob. In some areas where people object to building a dome, especially where there are few Islam, he questioned how interfaith dialogue could help solve the “unpleasant condition.” He even enquired as to the issues facing Muslim communities in Europe, which he referred to. The questions were politely dodged by the priest, but they got right to the point about the topics the meeting was called to discuss.
The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine has made the world’s socio-cultural and racial tensions worse, which I have dubbed” The Another Global Warming.” The other global warming will destabilize the socio-cultural-ethnic environment and cause similar harm, just as the popular” International Warming” has done to the natural surroundings. Travel &amp, Tourism is now confronted with the more immediate and terrifying threat posed by” The Other International Warming” because it was slow to recognize the threat of global warming.
In fact, as a “industry of serenity” like Travel &amp, tourism is also ideally situated to contribute to the solution. It makes a living by selling places of worship but does very little to advance the Harmony they stand for. Folks, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership are the five pillars of the SDG agenda that give the other four a much higher priority than P for Peace. This is true despite the undeniable fact that travel and tourism frequently suffer the most from wars and conflicts while also contributing significantly to peace and harmony.
Travel &amp, hospitality forums, and events are one way to move forward in replacing the” InternationalWarming” experts with moderate, faith leaders working to lessen” The Other Global Warmthing.” Thailand will instantly increase its status as one of the other seven areas on the Prime Minister’s agenda if it can become a HUB for for interfaith dialogue to advertise Harmony, Order, and Balance ( HOB).
The Samakee Institute held its first “BANGKOK Between FAITH AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY TRIP” in May 2023. Here are some pictures of the membership and stay. The journey times for this year are being thought about. Thailand is already being promoted as the first alliance of civilizations place in the world. The travel and tourism industry’s real “visionaries and thought-leaders” will recognize the chance to advance peace by forging new alliances that will foster prosperity and benefit both people and the environment. SOURCE: Thailand First Needs to Build Its HOB BY: eTurboNews | ETN In Order to Become a Multi-Sectoral HUB. 

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