Objectives for the Zanzibar Grand Tourism Expo are great.

Objectives for the Zanzibar Grand Tourism Expo are great.

The two-day grand exhibition, which was organized by the Zanzibar Association for Tourism Investors ( ZATI ) and KILIFAIR Promotions from Northern Tanzania, attracted visitors from Asia, Europe, the United States ( US), and Tanzania.
Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi, the president of Zanzibar, stated at the beginning of the show on Wednesday that his administration has been making significant efforts to increase commerce on the island.
He claimed that the Z-Summit and Tourism Exhibition’s following book served as a crucial meeting place for leaders in the tourism sector to connect with other influential and wealthy travelers from around the world, including those from East Africa and Africa.
According to Dr. Mwinyi,” The state of Zanzibar remains firm in its commitment to advancing the system and regulatory systems that underpin our commerce business.”
The Zanzibar President draws in prospective fresh tourists.
In order to achieve Zanzibar’s long-term vision for ecological tourism development, the Island is now taking a number of steps to develop transportation networks, energy efficiency, and the preservation of social and environmental assets.
The great commerce museum, which will take place at the Golden Tulip Airport Hotel, aims to highlight all the fresh possibilities Zanzibar has to offer in its quest to surpass all other islands.
Tourism currently accounts for more than 30 % of the region’s annual money, making it the leading financial earner.
According to Mr. Rahim Bhaloo, chairman of the Zanzibar Association of Tourism Investors ( ZATI), ZATI is fully committed to promoting tourism on the Island by making the most of its resources and services to offer top-notch tourist services.
Tom Kunkler and Dominic Shoo, the managers of KILIFAIR Promotion, stated that due to the favorable business climate in Zanzibar, they had anticipated a large number of attendees from various nations.
Tourists from all over the world have come to Zanzibar because of its advantageous location on the East Coast of Africa, rich culture and historic history, hot beaches in the Indian Ocean, and temperate climate.
The best tourist attractions on the island are Stone Town and the nice shores of the Indian Ocean.
On an American vacation, dolphin watching in the Kizimkazi region offers a special experience where visitors can unwind while swimming with underwater creatures to discover the secrets of character. Zanzibar Grand Tourism Expo Brings High Anticipation, according to SOURCE: eTurboNews |ETN