Decoding the Future of Tourism Resilience: Jamaica Tourism Minister Book Launch

Decoding the Future of Tourism Resilience: Jamaica Tourism Minister Book Launch

The conference, which is being held in association with the Global Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management Centre ( GTRCMC) and UN Tourism ( previously the UN World Tourism Organization, UNWTO ), also commemorates the first anniversary of the organization’s yearly declaration of global tourism resilience on February 17.
The GTRCMC’s Executive Director, Professor Lloyd Waller, who co-authored the book with Minister Bartlett, recently mentioned in a press briefing that their most recent book covers emerging changes in commerce, including space travel and tourism as well as how small island developing states can position themselves to gain. He observed that:
” This publication is the outcome of five centuries of in-depth discussions between myself and Minister Bartlett.”
” It stands for our dedication to codifying these concepts and establishing Jamaica as a worldwide tourism thought head.”
Prof. Waller outlined the four key themes that will be covered during the two-day function as the conference’s opening date drew near: online endurance, system endurance; money tourism resilience and women in tourism.
Minister Bartlett stated:” This meeting delves into the complex relationship between AI, digital technology, and the tourism sector. He shared his perspective on the relevance of high-level discourse around issues specifically related to building online resilience in tourism.” Understanding how people’s ability to control system knowledge and learning will affect their relevance in the labor market is essential. We’ll even look at how new business models, like the sharing market, are changing the tourism industry.
He pointed out that another prominent features of the meeting included General Zurab Pololikashvili, the UN Tourism Secretary, making his first trip to the English-speaking Caribbean. The occasion even honors Jamaica’s accomplishment in joining Nigeria as the only developing nation to effectively advocate for the creation of a tourism-related World Day of Recognition.
In order to create the first-ever Caribbean Tourism Academy, Minister Bartlett also emphasized that the event may help discussions about education and regional human capital growth in the tourism industry. On the last day of the meeting, the first Global Tourism Resilience Awards will be given out to the top 5 tourism leaders in the Caribbean who showed fortitude during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Attending the second Global Tourism Resilience Conference in Jamaica is UN Tourism Secretary-General.
Minister Bartlett added,” Jamaica remains on record to meeting our goals of welcoming 5 million customers and earning US$ 5 billion by 2025,” expressing trust in Jamaica’s tourism path in mild of this. Confidence in Destination Jamaica remains high with a 42 % repeat business rate and performance figures trending 9 % ahead of 2023 for the year already.
SOURCE: Book Launch by the Jamaican Tourism Minister- Deciphering the Future of Tourism Resilience | eTurboNews |ETN