Travel to Turkey and on Turkish Airlines is a security concern for eTurboNews Publisher Juergen Steinmetz. eTurboNews announced the immediate cancellation of their media partnership with ACE MICE Turkish Airlines tourism trade show event at ICC Istanbul Congress Center 21-23 February 2018. eTN will no longer exhibit or attend the Turkish Tradeshow.

eTN Publisher Juergen Steinmetz was on his way to Honolulu airport this morning to start his long journey to Istanbul when very disturbing news came in from Turkey and Turkish Airlines. This news caused the immediate termination of any cooperation with Star Alliance Member Turkish Airlines and the ACE MICE event.

Steinmetz said: “eTurboNews canceled the agreement with ACE MICE and Turkish Airlines due to a breach of contract and serious security concerns for myself and our publication.I urgently suggest for any journalist attending the event or flying on Turkish Airlines to be extra cautious at this time.

eTN reached out to Turkish Airlines in Istanbul, to the Ministry of Tourism and the Turkish Embassy in Washington DC, but was unable to get a response at this time. eTN will update readers in due time.