A New Idea for Bali Tourism: Advanced Healing, Wellness, and Health

A New Idea for Bali Tourism: Advanced Healing, Wellness, and Health

Wellness Tourism Indonesia does debut at the Cannabali meet location on Friday in collaboration with the World Tourism Network, the Sharing Knowledge Initiative for Health&amp.
The second big method in Indonesia is health and wellness tourism, particularly in Bali where the government has built two free zone health facilities with state-of-the-art facilities.
We are eager to help launch this novel conversation with our perfect partners after laying the foundation at our Period 2023 summit in Bali in September, said WTN Chairwoman Mudi Astuti, the event’s organizer. Some members of the World Tourism Network will have the opportunity to participate in this.
At the efficiently concluded TIME2023, the first international conference by the World Tourism Network in September, health and wellness in Bali was on the plan.
The World Council of Health Asia, the Indonesia Health Tourism Board ( IHTPB), Earth Heat Holistic Consultancy, and experts from the World Tourism Network will take part in a panel discussion on Friday to help turn this foundation into something that can be sold.
Dr.. The surface may be set for two high-level board conversations on Friday by I Gede Wiryana Patra Jaya, M aga, Chairman of the Bali Medical Tourism Association, the Indonesian Ministry of Health, and best leaders for the State of Bali Tourism Office.
Zoom invites members of the World Tourism Network from all over the world to take part, or if they are in Bali, they can personally attend the event and dinner meal.
Users of eTurboNews you watch the live stream and sign up to be guests at the Zoom.
Indonesia is preparing to alter the way it views commerce. This conversation will help to further shape this idea in collaboration with the World Tourism Network Indonesia Chapter, Garuda Indonesia, Marriott, the Ministry of Health, Tourism Indonesia’s Ministry, and the Bali Tourism Board, among other important leaders.
Bali is becoming more well-known for its wellness and alternative experiences, despite not being usually thought of as a top destination for health tourism.
Visitors looking for relaxation, rejuvenation, and alternative health experiences are drawn to Bali because of the variety of heath resorts, spa hotels. Traditional Balinese treatments, yoga and meditation classes, cleansing programs, and good food are just a few of the services offered by the island’s resorts and spas.
Bali is now on the path to becoming a leading international center for medical tourism thanks to this program.
Dr. Peter Tarlow, leader of the World Tourism Network, prepared his remarks for the occasion:
Click here for more information and to register for the event starting on Friday, December 29 at 13.30 ( 1.30 pm ) Bali time. World Tourism Network members who want to take part on Zoom as well as eTurboNews readers interested in being a part of the audience can do so.
Visit www to meet World Tourism Network. wtn. go and select add.
A new Name Tour Package for Bali Health Restoration will be unveiled at the conclusion of the debate. Members of WTN will be the first to market this brand-new health hospitality product, which is perfect for advanced liver detoxification and healing retreat.
SOURCE: A New Bali Tourism Concept: Advanced Healing, Wellness, and Health