
ITB Berlin’s Switch Asia to Green Inspires: Responsible Tourism in Asia

Written by meetingstravel

The largest vacation industry show in the world, ITB Berlin, which will take place from March 5 through March 7, has a program called Switch Asia to Green on the plan. At the Switch Asia to Green conference and show stand, the aim is to inspire attendees.
At a particular conference jointly organized by TraveLife and PATA on Thursday, 7 March at City Cube M4 during ITB, conservation best practices and difficulties from Thailand, Bhutan, Laos, and Kyrgyzstan may be presented.
Visitors are invited to an information and networking event with goods, place seminars, and panel discussions on new green presents from Thailand, Laos, Bhutan, and Kyrgyzstan from 11 am to 3 am.
Meet at the ITB Switch Asia Stand Halls 4.1b- 213.
The European Union Switch Asia program assists businesses throughout the European-Asian supply chain in improving products, implementing conservation, and adhering to future Union CSR requirements. Eastern destinations and outbound tour operators did display products and tours created with the assistance of Switch Asia projects at ITB Berlin.
The group can help their Eastern northbound tour operators/DMCs work toward sustainability, with opportunities for training, assessment, and certification, by connecting them with Travelife- awarded inbound partners, inspiring them with low-carbon suppliers and tours to include in their latest product offer, and supporting them with low-carbon suppliers and tours to include in their latest product offer.
Thailand: Concerned community activities and low-carbon tours
Participants at ITB can meet the Thai Eco and Adventure Travel Association ( TEATA ) team at the Thailand or Switch Asia booth to learn about over 50 recently developed carbon-neutral routes and packages.
Tourists are looking for ways to travel and experience places that have less of an impact on the environment and less carbon footprint. But, it can be confusing to determine low-carbon actions.
With its qualified 50+ new carbon-neutral tours that are offered throughout Thailand, TEATA may assist tourists in lowering their carbon footprint within the country without sacrificing the experience!
Visitors this year can also find regional inspiration in 30 community-based tourism initiatives that can be incorporated into their travel plans. This includes both lesser-known, highly authentic Thai experiences ( Chiang Mai, Sukhothai, Phuket ) and traditional travel experiences ( Chiang Mai, Sukhothai, Phuket ).
Bhutan: Green travel agencies, vacation packages, and sights
Attendees of 14 Travelife-award-winning tour operators and the Bhutanese Association of Bhutanese tour operators ( ABTO ) will be able to learn about cutting-edge products, environmentally friendly hotels, and carbon-neutral routes. Bhutan’s tourism office will provide updates on new card and sustainability regulations.
Laos: Hotels and licensed visit users
On the Switch Asia booth may be five Laos travel agencies that have won Travelife awards. Guests to the event you arrange a meeting with the Lao Chamber of Commerce’s local-based Laos target group who will discuss the Profound Laos campaign and supplier offers.
Kyrgyzstan: endorsed tour companies and society goods
Eight Travelife-certified Kyrgyz visit users may be present at the booth. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet with Helvetas Kyrgyzstan’s destination experts and learn about authentic community experiences from the Kyrgyz Community Based Tourism Association (KCBTA ).
More details about www.partnerships and materials. eurasia. travelife. .info.
At the Switch Asia to Green have: Hall 4.1 / 213, and the Thailand TEATA have: Hall 26b / 217, readers to ITB Berlin are invited to meet with tour operators, DMCs, and other DMCs.
Agenda for March 7
00 a. 12:00 p.m. Thailand: Inspiring New Developments in Sustainable Tourism in Thailand
12:00 p.m. m- 1: 00p. Bhutan: Becoming the Greenest Nation in the World?
00 p. m- 2: 00p. Laos: Responsible from the beginning?
00 p. 00 p. 00 p.m. Kyrgyzstan: Societies at the Center, in m.
SOURCE: Responsible Tourism in Asia: ITB Berlin’s Switch to Green Inspires BY: eTurboNews | eTNĀ 

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